Summer is way too far from here but the summer time started from today.
I totally forgot about it and left home to take a walk this morning after checking the time on the clock on the wall which said 8:30.
Then I looked at my phone to check the time in the middle of the walk, and it said 10:40!!!
"I don't think we walked for two hours yet..."
thinking, thinking, thinking...
"That's right! Daylight savings!"
Finally, I remembered about it...
Smart phones are really smart changing the time by themselves ;p
夏なんて当分こないスウェーデンだけど 今日から夏時間。
時間が変わるの忘れてたから 朝の散歩で家出る時に壁掛け時計で時間を見たら8時半。
散歩の途中でスマホで時間を見たら 10時40分!!
"いやいやいやいや 2時間はまだ歩いてないぞ〜"
Anyhow, we had a bright and warm morning so we took a long walk.
This lake (or pound?) was still covered with thick ice.
ってなことで 暖かい今朝はちょいと遠くへ。
Kaiya |
Kaiya started digging.
Kaiyaさん ホリホリ始めた〜。
Kaiya |
Felt really good with the sun and all!
う〜ん 太陽が出てて 気持ちがいい〜!
Mato |
Still digging...
まだまだ ホリホリしてるので・・・
Kaiya |
Mato was bored as hell...started to chew on a stick while waiting.
暇なMatoは 棒をガリガリ始めた〜。
Mato |
I thought we could finally go forward and there two big birdies on the way ahead...
やっと進めると思ったら 前方にデカイ鳥が・・・。
We didn't wanna scare the birds so we walked away from them.
But these birds were so being used to people...they didn't go away when kids went up to them.
鳥さんたちをびっくりさせたくないから 私たちは遠回りして。
鳥さんたち人馴れしてて 全然逃げないなぁ。
Mato |
At a dog park.
Can you find Kaiya is in this photo ↓ ?
さて Kaiyaはどこにいるでしょう↓
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya's targeting Mato again.
Kaiya |
Well, we eventually took 2 hour walk.
After the fun morning walk, it's time for....a nap. lol
結果的に2時間ほどのお散歩を楽しんだあとは もちろん・・・
The one who takes a lot of space on the bed is Kaiya ;)
Kaiya |
Oh....I see a dog in the middle of the room...
Dammit...he noticed me...
Half in Half out.
Thanks to the daylight saving, we lost one hour of our sleeping time. Of course, I got sleepy and took a nap, too.
When I woke up, it's not only a dog that I found on the floor but daddy, too. lol
起きたら 今度はダディも落ちてた(笑)
Daddy & Mato |