Thursday, August 24, 2017

Long walk after long home alone / 長いお留守番のあとは長いお散歩 Aug. 24

It's been a while but we are back!

I've been busy...this time is not because I was being a lazy ass.  I literally didn't have time...


ここのところ 真面目に忙しくて 全然アップできなかった。

いや ほんとに。


We met Chilli on both Monday and Tuesday morning.

Since Mato became 1 year old and a young adult male...he's not very nice to other dogs sometimes especially to male dogs.

Since it's been months since the last time we met Chilli, Mato started to growl at him when he was approaching the dog park where we were in.

I didn't know what to do but Chilli's owner Carina was so smart!

First, she tied Chilli's leash to the fence outside the dog park and she alone came in.

We casually chit chatted until Mato got calm and got used to being in the same place with Chilli.

Then she brought Chilli in.  Nothing happened :)

Both of them are uncastrated males but they knew each other since Mato was a puppy which I think is one of the reasons it went smoothly.

I admire Carina!!  I'm so thankful to her understanding of dogs and the patience for Mato.

This was such a good training for Mato to be calm around other dogs ;)))

ってことで 最近のKaiyaとMatoは。

月曜と火曜の朝 久しぶりにシリィにあったよぉ〜!

1歳を過ぎて だいぶガウガウ君になってしまったMato。


どうしようかと思ったら さすがシリィの飼い主カリーナ。

ちょっと落ち着かせようって シリィをドッグランのすぐ外に繋いでおいて カリーナだけドッグランに入場。

少し話をしたりしながら同じ場にシリィがいることに慣らして興奮が治るのを待って シリィを中に入れたら 全然平気〜。

去勢してない牡同士だけど 小さい頃から知ってるしね。

興奮を抑えて落ち着かせたら いつもな感じに それぞれドッグランの中で色々してた(笑)

Today I got home from work later than I planned.  Because both Kaiya and Mato were such good kids being home alone for long hours, I took them for a long walk in the early evening.

At first, we went to the park on the hill.

But this place got messier and messier...trash everywhere and I even found broken bottles with many broken glass pieces.

Too dangerous.  We didn't stay long there and went forward.

今日は仕事がから帰ってくるのが予定より遅くなっちゃって 長いお留守番がんばった2人だから 夕方長い散歩へ!


だけど いつも以上にゴミが散らかってて ガラス瓶が割れたりしたのがあったから 早く切り上げて先へ。
Mato (left)                     Kaiya (right)





Mato (front)                    Kaiya (behind)

Mato (front)                    Kaiya (behind)

Mato (front)                    Kaiya (behind)


Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

We stopped at a dog park which we don't come often since it's little far from our home.

Not that big but they seemed like they needed more running and chasing time.

And yes, it begins! ;)


そんなに広くないけど 走り足りなかったみたいだから 追いかけっこして遊んだ〜!

そして始まる( ̄∀ ̄)
Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Kaiya (left)                 Mato (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Kaiya (left)                 Mato (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Mato (left)                 Kaiya (right)

Kaiya (left)               Mato (right)

Kaiya (left)               Mato (right)

Kaiya (left)               Mato (right)


  1. はっけよ~い Kaiya~!!
    まけるか~~ Mato~!!
