Today Kaiya, Mato and I, mommy, spent a real cozy lazy time together. (Daddy is out of town since yesterday evening and coming back tomorrow.)
It's my day off and the weather wasn't fine at all!
We walked in a slight rain this morning. We took a short walk but stopped at the dog park a bit.
These two never stop this chasing game ;)
昨日の夕方からダディがいないから 今日は一日中Kaiya&Mato&マミーの3人でゆったりダラダラ〜(๑╹ω╹๑ )
せっかくの休みなのに天気悪っ。( ;∀;)
小雨の中の朝散歩だったから短めにしたけど ちょいとドッグランに寄って。
おしっこ中のMatoを狙うKaiya。 |
Kaiya |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (rihgt) |
While Kaiya and Mato were taking a nap, I went to the gym for a quick work out then cleaning time!
I really needed to vacuum this place where Mato made a big mess. Look who's not letting me to clean!!!
KaiyaとMatoが昼寝している間にジムに行って来て 午後はちょいとお掃除。
Matoが散らかしてくれたとこを掃除機かけたいのに がっちり横になってどいてくれないヒトo(`ω´ )o
Mato |
Finally I was able to vacuum and done cleaning. Look who decided to chill right next to me.
掃除が終わったから ソファでくつろいでたら横に丸まって寝に入るヒト。
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Mato |
I lay down on the sofa as well, and Mato moved and squeezed me out of the space. lol
私もソファにゴロンしたら Matoも移動して私の横にゴロンしてマミーのスペースを取るヒト。
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Mato |
I moved and lay down in another room to take a nap. I turned to my right and look what I found. lol
昼寝しようかなって思って 場所を移動してゴロンして横を見たら みんなゴロン(笑)
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Kaiya (front) Mato (behind) |
After the night walk, I was watching TV in the living room. Both of them joined me.
Mato upside down and Kaiya by the door to the balcony (her favorite place right now. must be cool there.)
夜のお散歩も終わってリビングでテレビ見てたら 大胆に寝るMato。
ReplyDeleteでも実家にはでっかい庭があるから1日中外にいられる〜!!!うちに足りないのは庭ダァ〜!!!( ´θ`)ノ
Deleteダーラナ かと思ったら ダラダラ でしたか!!