I couldn't sleep last night...I was so sleepy whole day.
Poor Kaiya had runs and woke me up every 2 hours to go outside.
Daddy was at his friend's and slept over there so I took her out at 3 a.m., 5 a.m., 7 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11 a.m.
Every time we were getting ready to go outside, Mato got up. He wanted to go, too.
Why not, right? Kaiya, Mato and I took 5 short walks this morning ;)
なんかお腹がゆるくなってたらしくて 毎2時間ごとにクンクン鳴いて外行きたいって教えてくれたんだけど マミーはめっちゃ眠かったっす(T . T)
夜中の3時から始まって 5時 7時 9時 11時って5回マミーが外に連れてったよ。
Matoは 僕も僕も〜って一緒について行きたがってみんなで5回お外に少しお散歩しに行ったんだ〜。
Kaiya didn't whine any more after the 5th walk so I assume that it's gotten better.
I really hope she's not gonna wake us up tonight!
昼過ぎからは鳴かなかったから 多分よくなってるんだと思う!
This is why I didn't even have extra energy to think about taking photos and actually to take photos.
These photos are from yesterday...since I forgot to post yesterday.
Four of us took the afternoon walk together!
ってことで今日は写真どころじゃなかったから 昨日アップし忘れた写真〜。
Mato picked up a twig and seemed happy :)
あらMatoさん なんか棒拾って ルンルン♬
Mato |
Then Kaiya does exactly the same a couple seconds later ;)
Kaiya |
Where's your twig, Mato?
あれれ Matoは自分の棒どこにやったん?
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
I guess Mato wanted what Kaiya had. He tried too steel it but Kaiya was faster and didn't give him a chance to get close to her twig ;)
Kaiyaのが欲しくて近づいたら さすがKaiyaうまくかわした〜!
Mato (left) Kaiya (left) |
He failed.
I found his twig he dropped and gave it to him.
なので さっきMatoが落とした棒をマミーが拾ってあげたよぉ〜。
Mato |
Tooth brushing time.
したら 2人してカミカミ歯磨きタイム〜。
Mato (front) Kaiya (behind) |