So we got ready right a way and took the buss.
To the dog island was very troublesome...
First of all, the buss stopped all the sudden. It didn't move forward. Eventually we all had to get off the bus to walk to the next bus stop.
It wasn't that far and it was supposed to be a piece of cake.
However, the side walk was very icy and slick. Usually when it's like this cold and slippery, sand is scattered on the streets to prevent slipping. Though this side walk had nothing at all. :(
Plus, the side walk was divided by a white line into a bike lane and a pedestrian lane. Of course, the half of the pedestrian lane was covered by the plowed snow. Here we were walking over the line to the bike lane since our side was too narrow.
Then this bike coming behind us rang the bell letting us know he's coming to pass by and to get us aside. I didn't want Kaiya and Mato to get hurt so I was trying to get them out of the bike lane...and next second boom! I fell!!! lol. Freaking slippery and I was rushed so lost the balance.
Anyways, I totally lost the motivation to go to Drottningholm. I so wanted to get on the bus on the other side to go home right a way. But I hold that thought and we got to Drottningholm eventually ;)
今日は仕事も休みで週末だし ちょっと遅めに起きたけど ドロットニングホルムの広いドッグランにでも行くかぁ〜って思いついて 行って来ましたぁ!
ところがどっこい 行くまでがなんか大変だった今日。
まずはバスが途中で動かなくなって そこから次のバス停まで歩くことに。
まぁそんな長い距離じゃないから別に〜って感じだったんだけど 歩道がめちゃめちゃ凍ってて滑る!
ふつーなら滑り止めために砂利が撒いてあるのに ここにはほとんど撒いてなくてただでさえ歩きにくいのに 自転車道と歩道が白線だけで分かれて横並びになってる道の歩道側に雪が退けてあるから余計歩きにくい!!!
しょうがなく少し自転車道をまたいで歩いてたら 後ろから自転車来てチリンチリンってどけって急かされKaiyaとMatoが自転車にぶつかったら危ないから狭い歩道側に誘導してたら滑ってコケたぁ〜(笑)
まぁ そんな感じで寒さもあり〜の行く気がだんだん失せて このまま帰りたくなったけど KaiyaさんとMatoさんのために次のバス停までちゃんと歩いてバスに乗ってやっと着いた〜!!!
In the dog island, there were ice all over. Very slippery so I couldn't see Kaiya run like crazy today. But both Kaiya and Mato had fun respectively.
Kaiya who is shy was curious about other dogs and played with them a little but mostly she was around me when I was walking around the dog island to get myself warm.
Mato, on the other hand, is always curious and wants to interact with other dogs so he took off to others. He didn't even care about mommy and Kaiya. lol
One time he was walking around with a bunch of big dogs. He looked like he was trying to be a part of that pack. lol
But don't you worry. When I called him, he came back to me right a way ;)
いつものKaiyaの走りが見れなかったけど みんなそれぞれ楽しんだよぉ〜!
シャイなKaiyaは 他のワンちゃんたちと遊んでみたりしてたけど 体を温めるのに歩いてた私の近くに大体いたかな。
Matoはというと マミーもKaiyaもそっちのけで 他のワンちゃんたちのところへずんずん行ってた。
Many dogs were there in the dog island today! Btw, the little black dog second from left is Mato. 今日はいっぱいワンちゃんいた〜!ちなみに左から二番目の黒のチビがMato。 |
Mato〜!!! |
See! He came back ;) ほら 戻って来た! |
I love watching Kaiya running. You can just tell she really loves running! Kaiyaは本当にいい顔して走る! |
Mato being a part of this pack. lol The good thing is that he doesn't shrink back from the big dogs. He can be around them and play with them nicely :) この群れの一員になってたMatoさん(笑) 大型犬にひるむことなく仲良く遊べるから良い子ちゃんだ! |