It's been long since the last time I spent the new year's eve in Japan...maybe like 5 years ago?... and I kinda miss the little chilling tradition we had.
Anyways, this year we were invited to our friend's place for the new year's eve dinner and the count down so we'll be out this evening.
大晦日って言えば そば食って ダウンタウンの笑ってはいけない見ながら 紅白も見たりして まったりダラダラしながら 除夜の鐘TVで聞いて(笑) 寒い中初詣に行って ってもう何年も日本で年末過ごしてないから 懐かしいなぁ〜。
ってことで 今日は友達のとこに招待されているので みんなでそこに行ってカウントダウンの予定!
Kaiya |
Mato |
I was sooooo tired last night and fell asleep on a couch.
So the last day of 2017, I was planning to sleep in but woke up early instead :p
Didn't feel like going back to sleep so why not go to the gym!...and I had to burn those donuts I ate yesterday. lol
After getting the workout done, I immediately took Kaiya and Mato for a morning walk :)
The new year's eve is pretty much the only time when you can see the fireworks in Sweden.
And Kaiya hates it so bad.
There are some people already popping the fireworks lately and that's made Kaiya Speedy Gonzales every time we take a walk.
She walks much faster than usual, pees like she's peeing out every last drop that's in her bladder, and poops as quick as she can and tries to go home right a way. lol
Well, I wanted to see if she would do that this morning, too, so we walked towards wherever she wanted to go.
And there we were, at the woods.
I thought it wasn't gonna be a long walk but eventually it became one since the woods lie not too close from home.
The reason I hadn't taken them here to the woods was that every time we came I saw a lot of trash and I didn't want them to get hurt by broken glasses of some sort.
Horrible humans.
And of course, more trash than before...that's why we didn't stay long but they got a little bit of running time and had fun!
昨夜はお疲れモードで ウトウトいつの間にか落ちてたマミーです。
なので2017年最後の日は寝坊する予定が 早起きしちゃったw
で 清々しく起きたし 昨日食べたドーナツたちの分を燃焼するために トレーニングしにジムへ(╹◡╹)
体を動かしてきた後は そのままKaiyaとMatoと朝の散歩へ!
スウェーデンは大晦日だけに上がる花火だけど フライングしてる人がいるらしく最近パンパンよく外で音が聞こえるんだよね。
スチャスチャスチャって速く歩いて シャーって一気にオシッコして ささっとう○ちして すぐにうちに帰りたがるw
今朝もそうなるのかなぁと試しに Kaiyaの行きたい方に歩いてたら あらまぁ森へ到着。
短めの散歩になると思ってたら 森は家からちょい離れてるから 長い散歩になったよ。
来るたんびに落ちてるゴミが増えてた森だから暫く来なかったんだけど やっぱりゴミが増えてた・・・。
ってことで 長居はしなかったけど 2人はちょいと走り回って楽しんだよ!
By the way, we made a new friend yesterday!
His name is Qtip. If I remember correct, he's 12 years old. And wow, he has lived in Japan before.
I had a hunch that Mato would be ok with him. And Qtip's owner told me that he was castrated.
I took the leash off. Yes, it was totally fine. It was Kaiya who was barking a lot and little pain in the butt.
This, when Mato makes male dog friends, makes me so happy :))))
そうそう 昨日新しい友達ができたよぉ〜。
去勢してある男の子で いけんじゃないのって思って自由に遊ばせて見たら Matoくん平気だったねぇ〜。
Have fun parties and a happy new year to you all!
ではでは みなさん 良いお年を!