Santa Claus came last night for Kaiya and Mato!
Actually, they got a present from Simba's family :)
ってか シンバの家族からプレゼントもらったんだけどね♪( ´▽`)
I got up and took them out for a morning walk this morning!
First, we played in the garden ;)
Kaiya didn't come back right away and made me so worried yesterday. That's why this naughty girl's granted and had to be on the leash this morning!
Kaiyaさんは昨日すぐに戻って来なくてマミーを心配させたから 罰でリード付きです。
"Mommy...I think somebody's trying to hunt me..." "マミー なんか狙われてる気がする・・・。" |
You got it right! Mato, you are her target as usual. 正解!確実にMatoがターゲットだねぇ。 |
So it begins. lol 始まったぁ!!!(笑) |
"What's that, mommy?" Some bulldozer, I guess...? "なにあれ マミー?" でっかいブルドーザー的な? |
We all went out in the afternoon before the sun went down.
At first, we drove up on the hill to see the whole view of Rättvik.
まずは高台へ行って レッドヴィーク全体を眺めに行って見た!
Then we went to that lake called Siljan which you can see in the photo.
There was ice close to the shore so we took a walk on it!! :)
氷が張ってたから 氷の上をお散歩だよぉ〜ん!
Mato was startled by mommy's jump ;) Good thing the ice didn't break. lol マミーのジャンプにMatoびっくり。 氷割れなくてよかったねぇ〜(笑) |
Daddy, too, this time! 今度はダディも一緒にジャーンプ! |
Kaiya who loves to walk on ice was happy walking on ice while chewing an ice piece :D 氷の上を歩くのが大好きなKaiyaさんは 氷の塊を口に入れてガリガリしながらルンルン♪( ´▽`) |
Mato, too, had fun chewing on a piece of ice like Kaiya :))) MatoもKaiyaの真似して氷をガリガリしたりしながら 楽しんでたよぉ〜! |
Grandma didn't walk on the ice but watching us from the bridge! おばあちゃんは氷の上歩かなかったから 橋の上からみんなをウォッチング。 |
Well, that's the end of ice. Time to get on the bridge! あの辺が境界線だねぇ。そろそろ橋の上に登ろうかぁ? |
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Such good kids walking beside me ;)))) マミーの横を歩く良い子たち(๑>◡<๑) |
You guys can go first! 先に行っていいよぉ〜! |
These two この2人 |
do exactly the same things. 仲良くいつも同じ動き。 |
Yay! We reached the end of the long bridge! 先端に着いタァ!!! |
And it's too cold. We were on the way home right a way! lol 寒いんで 着いたらすぐ帰路につきましたぁ〜!(笑) |
ガリガリ ルンルン ガリガリ ルンルン Kaiya~Mato!!