Good morning! Yesterday morning we came out little earlier than usual.
And and and...daddy was with us too!!!!!...unbelievable, right?
The thing is that daddy's grandma was flying into Sweden this morning. She's staying at Simba's home. We took a walk to Simba's home and wait grandma there to say hi!
な・な・な・なんと! ダディも一緒!!!!
You guys are too blacky. I can't see your faces :p
暗くて 顔がわからん!(笑)
Grandma's here!
After saying hi to grandma, we took a walk with Simba!
おばあちゃんに挨拶した後は シンバも一緒にお散歩〜!
Suddenly, it started to snow a lot! the way, I took my bike to go to work after this walk. It was snowing as much as when we were taking a walk. But I fell. My first fell on my new bike! LOL Stupid ice and fresh snow ;p
急にめっちゃ雪降ってきた!・・・散歩の後雪が少しおさまってから自転車で仕事にむかってたら 初めて自転車でコケた!(笑)氷と新雪にやられたぁ〜(≧▽≦)
Ok, I know it's so weird that I put up this picture of Mato's piss but this is the proof of him lifting his leg to pee for the first time! lol
He was actually peeing squatting. Then I saw his back was gradually pulled up. First, I thought he was done peeing but NO!! He lifted his left leg as he's peeing!! ;)
なんだこの写真は?って思うかもだけど 面白いことが起こったから載せちゃいまぁす!
ってかいつものように腰を下ろしてしてて 腰が浮いてきたなぁ もう終わりかなぁって見てたら オシッコしながら左足を上げてそのまま壁にマーキング! 器用なやつめ(笑)
あまりに面白かったから動画撮りたかったけど ポケットからスマホ出した時にはもう終わってた〜・・・(/ _ ; )
ぼくちゃん大人になったかな~ マトマト...トマト!!