Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Unbelievably warm

It's been really warm.

It's already September but not as cold as usual.  I can just have T-shirt or even a tank top during the day.

Such a nice autumn. 

I'm really glad that we still have this nice and warm weather every day...but it's too unusual...I have a hunch that this winter's gonna be real cold in return... :p 


9月だっていうのに寒くなくて 昼間はTシャツかタンクでも過ごせちゃうくらい。


嬉しいんだけど今こんなに暖かいと 冬がめちゃめちゃ寒くなりそうな予感(笑)

This morning we met a 4-month old girl named Doris.

Such a sweet baby girl!!!

She's a mix of Amstaff, Shepherd, Rottweiler, etc...she's gonna be really big for sure ;)

The owner told us that this was the third foster home for her.  And she is only 16 weeks old!

Something happened and last two previous owners couldn't keep her.

I really hope that this is gonna be her FUREVER home!!!



ミックス犬でアムスタッフ、シェファード、ロットワイラーなどなど混ざってるらしいけど これは確実にでっかくなりますねぇ(^^;)

こんなに可愛くてまだ生後16週間なのに この飼い主さんが3人目なんだって。

1番目と2番目の里親のところでなんかあったのかなぁ 飼えなくなって結局今のお家に来たんだって。


Ahahaha, I disturbed her when she was about to take a nap by taking picture :p

Well, she's too cute.  I couldn't resist it!

Ok, I let you sleep now :)))


はいはい ゆっくりおやすみ〜!