Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kaiya's crib

Though Kaiya has many things where she can sleep on...her own bed, crates (hard one and soft one), thick blankets, a soft mat even a bean bag...her most favorite place is under our bed.  

If you can't find her, look under the bed and you'll find her.

She started this since she was it looks really too tight for her but she goes under like it's nothing.


犬ベッドから始まって 硬いクレート ソフトなクレート でっかいブランケットに 厚めのふわふわなマット ビーンバックだってある。

だけど ここ ベッドの下 が一番のお気に入り(?)の場所。

あれっ Kaiyaいないなぁ〜って思ったら ベッドの下を覗けば ほぼ確実にいるねぇ〜(笑)


今じゃ相当狭く見えるけど 器用に入っていくよねぇ〜(笑)

Afternoon walk.


Just when I wondered where she went after we came back from walk.

I found her. LOL

Ahahahahaha!!!  It looks like either she got stuck or she's doing this on purpose to crack me up ;p

散歩から帰ってきてから どこ行った?と思ったら いたwww



Monday, September 26, 2016

Squirrel and snail

Afternoon walk with mommy today!  To the woods!!

Oh boy...

本日の午後は 森散歩〜!!

あっ。 目が合った・・・。

As soon as we got close to the woods, she saw a squirrel and the squirrel saw us, too.

Kaiya wanted to follow it as the squirrel ran up the tree.

She couldn't climb though...and she got excited for a while.

Hmm...unless you calm down, I don't wanna let you off the leash in the woods, Kaiya.

You don't listen to me otherwise...we'll see once we got there.

Anyways, then she found a snail!!

She amazed me finding it on the tree.  It wasn't even on her eye level.

Curious for a while but she couldn't reach it, a couple of centi meters short, then her curiosity faded.

とまぁ 森付近に着いて早々リスとの遭遇。

暫く興奮状態。 興奮続いちゃうと聞く耳持たなくなるから ノーリードできないぞぉ〜。

と考えながら 今度はカタツムリ見つけよった!


Kaiya的に"なんだコイツ?食えんのか?"ってな感じだったかもだけど 結局数センチ届かず興味はすぐになくなったらしい。

I saw a rabbit just before we got to the woods...thank god Kaiya didn't see it.

Hmmmmm....Should I take off the leash or not??

Alright, I trust you, Kaiya.  You've been behaving very well lately.  Run and have fun!!! ;)))



まっ 最近ちゃんと言うこと聞くし 自由時間だ 走ってこい!!

 There were some people in the woods...we tried to avoid going there so Kaiya wouldn't scare them.

She was really really good girl today.  Never left my sight and always being around me.

Although we couldn't walk whole the area, she seemed to have fun today :)

珍しく人が森の中にいたから その人たちをびっくりさせないように そっちの方を避けてお散歩。

今日は本当にいい子で私の視界から消えることなく そばにいたなぁ〜。

いつもみたいに広い範囲お散歩できなかったけど Kaiyaさんは楽しんだみたい(o^^o)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Spending a day sleeping...


I spent whole day sleeping :((((

My body was probably more tired than I thought since I did 5km running + HIIT training yesterday.

Of course, I can't sleep right now at night when I've slept so much during the day.


今日せっかくの休みだったのに 一日寝て終わった(゚д゚lll)

昨日久しぶりに5kmランニング➕トレーニングって体動かして 疲れすぎたのかなぁ・・・。

まぁ 一日寝て過ごしちゃったら 夜寝れないっす!(笑)

Daddy took Kaiya out for a walk this morning.  I took her out in the afternoon instead.

I wanted to do power walk to warm ourselves up since it was cold.

But it didn't go as I planed....The weather was not nice and Kaiya wasn't in the mood for it, I guess.

When we got close to our apartment, she walked faster to get to the entrance door.

She wanted to come home quick, which is sort of rare...she always wants to be outside.

Well well well, sometimes you have this kinda day which you have no energy to do anything and be just lazy sleeping through the day:p

朝の散歩をダディが行ってくれたから 午後は私とのKaiyaさん。

でも天気が悪いせいか いまいちテンションが低いKaiyaさん。

寒いからパワーウォークでもして暖かくなりたかったけど なかなか進まない(笑)

どうやらKaiyaさん早く家に帰りたかったらしく アパートの近くに来たら珍しく足早にエントランスのドアの前まで来た(^^)

まっ こんなのんびりやる気の出ない日もあるよね〜(^.^)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Poor Chilli :p

We met Chilli this morning!!!

It's been forever!!

Kaiya is almost done with her heat.

We decided to go to the dog park together to let them play for a while.

OMG, Chilli was all over her!

I've never seen him so happy and excited whole the time we were in the park.

Kaiya didn't like him sniffing her butt so she barked at him many times saying "stop it!" LOL

Poor were turned down...but I know you were very gentle even when you were sooo excited while approaching Kaiya ;)

Anyways, we had fun morning :)


引っ越しちゃったのかなぁって思うくらい だいぶ会わなかったからKaiyaも私も大喜び!


がしかし もうシリィはKaiyaに首ったけ(笑)

お尻の匂いを嗅ぎたいけどKaiyaはそれが嫌だから "やめろよぉ!" ってちょいとガウガウ。


フラれちゃってちょっとかわいそうなシリィだったけど 楽しい朝の散歩でしたぁ〜(-_^)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Walk in the woods!

Such a warm and nice day!!
Daddy was working today so Kaiya had the afternoon walk with mommy :)))

Let's go to the woods today!




You usually walk on the wall.  Aren't you gonna up there?


Yep.  That's what I thought :p

Alright, we are almost there.

Are you ready??  Let's run around!

もうそこ森だし そろそろいっかなぁ〜。

じゃぁ 自由行動開始〜!

She loves being in the woods.

I could see she was really happy :)

Too bad I didn't have my camera with me...I could've taken photos of flying Kaiya :((



ってか 一眼持って来ればよかったぁ〜。

こんなに走るなら 久しぶりに浮きKaiyaが撮れたかもなのに(^_^;)


"Come on mommy! Hurry up!"
"マミ〜 早くおいで〜!"

Heeeey! You r too fast!  Wait up!
おぃ! ってか 速いよ。遠いよ!