Though Kaiya has many things where she can sleep on...her own bed, crates (hard one and soft one), thick blankets, a soft mat even a bean bag...her most favorite place is under our bed.
If you can't find her, look under the bed and you'll find her.
She started this since she was it looks really too tight for her but she goes under like it's nothing.
犬ベッドから始まって 硬いクレート ソフトなクレート でっかいブランケットに 厚めのふわふわなマット ビーンバックだってある。
だけど ここ ベッドの下 が一番のお気に入り(?)の場所。
あれっ Kaiyaいないなぁ〜って思ったら ベッドの下を覗けば ほぼ確実にいるねぇ〜(笑)
今じゃ相当狭く見えるけど 器用に入っていくよねぇ〜(笑)
Afternoon walk.
Just when I wondered where she went after we came back from walk.
I found her. LOL
Ahahahahaha!!! It looks like either she got stuck or she's doing this on purpose to crack me up ;p
散歩から帰ってきてから どこ行った?と思ったら いたwww