I stay up late easily when I know I don't have to work the next day :p
Here's the photos from yesterday!
First, the morning walk.
休みだと心置きなく 夜更かししちゃうなぁ〜(笑)
ってことで 今日、じゃなくてもう昨日だ!
I was amazed she found it up there. あ。ハト。 |
You've been staring it for a while now...let's go already! 見過ぎ。見過ぎ。早く行こうよぉ〜。 全然散歩にならん!!(^^;; |
We all went out together in the afternoon to Gustavsberg!
It's located about 20km east of Stockholm and is known for Gustavsberg porcelain factory and other porcelain outlets.

Getting sleepy in the train since she didn't have any nap this afternoon.
First, we took the train. まずは電車に乗って。 |
Then the buss. そしてバスに乗り。 |
Finally we are here! 到着! |
Gustavsberg porcelain factory shop. 陶器ブランド グスタフスベリのファクトリーショップ。 |
After we got back to central Stockholm, we decided to eat before we went home.
We stopped at the Japanese noodle restaurant called Ramen Kimama.
I'm sorry to say this but I was really disappointed even though I wasn't expecting much.
I ordered Gekikara ramen which means super spicy noodles...and it wasn't spicy at all.
You know what, I decided to eat ramen and gyoza or dumplings only in Japan...I've been disappointed many times when I had Japanese style ramen outside of Japan.
By the way, the Udon noodles that daddy ordered was actually good.
I can come back for that one.
ストックホルムの中心に戻ってきてから うち帰る前にラーメン食べに行ってきたぁ。
期待してなかったけど・・・申し訳ないけど かなり残念でした。
でも ダディが頼んだ鍋焼きうどんは うまかった!
She was behaving very good while we ate. 食べてる間はちゃんとお利口にしてたKaiyaさんです! |
Getting sleepy in the train since she didn't have any nap this afternoon.
長時間お出かけで 昼寝してなかったから 帰りの電車の中でおねむのKaiyaさんです!
シンバに会ったらまた元気が戻ったみたいで じゃれて遊んでた〜。
でも やっぱり 家に帰ってきてご飯食べたら 即バタンキュ〜なKaiyaさんでした!
We stopped at Simba's home because we had some stuff we needed to drop off there.
Every time she sees Simba, she regains energy and plays with him :)
That's why she crashed as soon as she finished eating her dinner once we got home.
お届け物があったので 家に帰る途中にシンバのお家へちょっとお邪魔しましたぁ!
シンバに会ったらまた元気が戻ったみたいで じゃれて遊んでた〜。
でも やっぱり 家に帰ってきてご飯食べたら 即バタンキュ〜なKaiyaさんでした!
Kaiyaさんに普通のお皿を何枚も使ってあげてるから 今度はマミーたちのが必要になったのよぉ〜(笑)