It was little different from usual.
The sunlight was stronger and I felt it on my skin.
I checked my phone and it said it was 24°C but real feel was 28°C.
No wonder it was really hot.
I guess Kaiya felt it, too. She's sticking out her tongue.
Kaiyaも暑そうに 舌がでろぉ〜ん。
Even so, she ran a lot as usual.
にもかかわらず よぉく走ってたなぁ〜。
I really think it's too steep to go down.
Just as I thought that, she went down.
She's got the guts.
危ないんじゃないのぉって思ってたら この後 降りちゃったよ(;^_^A
I know you are brave but this one is like 90°C.
You seriously gonna only fall ;p
でも そこはさすがに無理だぁね。
Find Kaiya!
She did chase after something again today.
Then they came towards my direction and I noticed it was a cat!!!!
I thought it would be a rabbit...never thought it would be a cat. :p
うさぎかなんかと思ってたのに 意外でちょっとびっくりしたぁ(笑)
We both hadn't had breakfast yet.
At least I was hungry so I put the leash on and we went on the way home.
Kaiya wanted to stop at some place so she led me here
by the water in the shade where it had little cool breeze.
Suddenly, she lay down and looked up at me smiling.....
You just wanted to come here to chill!!!!
Well, I know that you needed to get cooled down after all that running and chasing the cat.
But you know, Kaiya, the lake is right one meter front of you.
If you get in the water, you might get cooled down at once!!!
She still doesn't like to get in the water...
お腹も空いたし さて帰ろうって 森を出て歩き始めたら
誘導してこられた場所は 水辺の日陰のひんやりした草むらのここ。
自分から急に伏せをして "へへへ" と言わんばかりにこっちを見るヒト。
まぁ 猫追いかけて 熱くなったもんなぁ〜 しょうがないよなぁ〜。
クールダウンは必要だけど 湖目の前なんだから 水の中入っちゃえば
一発で涼しくなって 気持ちいのに・・・。
マミー 一緒に入ってくれれば、すぐに泳ぐよ~ Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteほんとかよ!? Kaiya〜!