Friday, July 29, 2016

First time being without daddy and mommy

I'm in London right now.

Yes, this is the first time for daddy and I leaving Kaiya in somebody's hand.

I hope Kaiya doesn't miss us too much.

I'm pretty much sure she's okey since she's staying at her favorite uncle Kay's house!


初めてKaiyaを人に預けて ダディと旅行に来てます!


ちょっと心配だけど Kaiyaの大好きなケイおじさんのとこに預かってもらってるからきっと大丈夫!

Morning walk!  We went for a bit long one :)

あさんぽ! ちょっと長めに行ってきたよぉ〜!

Black rabbit! Stay Kaiya! No chasing!!

Uncle Kay came to pick Kaiya up!


She's interested in uncle Kay's son Lucas ;)


Be a good girl, Kaiya!  We'll be home before you know it!

いい子にするんだよ Kaiya!!!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016


It's about 3 in the morning.

I stay up late easily when I know I don't have to work the next day :p

Here's the photos from yesterday!

First, the morning walk.


休みだと心置きなく 夜更かししちゃうなぁ〜(笑)

ってことで 今日、じゃなくてもう昨日だ!


I was amazed she found it up there.

You've been staring it for a while now...let's go already!

We all went out together in the afternoon to Gustavsberg!

It's located about 20km east of Stockholm and is known for Gustavsberg porcelain factory and other porcelain outlets.



First, we took the train.
Then the buss.

Finally we are here!

Gustavsberg porcelain factory shop.
陶器ブランド グスタフスベリのファクトリーショップ。

After we got back to central Stockholm, we decided to eat before we went home.

We stopped at the Japanese noodle restaurant called Ramen Kimama.

I'm sorry to say this but I was really disappointed even though I wasn't expecting much.

I ordered Gekikara ramen which means super spicy noodles...and it wasn't spicy at all.

You know what, I decided to eat ramen and gyoza or dumplings only in Japan...I've been disappointed many times when I had Japanese style ramen outside of Japan.

By the way, the Udon noodles that daddy ordered was actually good.

I can come back for that one.

ストックホルムの中心に戻ってきてから うち帰る前にラーメン食べに行ってきたぁ。


期待してなかったけど・・・申し訳ないけど かなり残念でした。



でも ダディが頼んだ鍋焼きうどんは うまかった!


She was behaving very good while we ate.

Getting sleepy in the train since she didn't have any nap this afternoon.

長時間お出かけで 昼寝してなかったから 帰りの電車の中でおねむのKaiyaさんです!

We stopped at Simba's home because we had some stuff we needed to drop off there.

Every time she sees Simba, she regains energy and plays with him :)

That's why she crashed as soon as she finished eating her dinner once we got home.

お届け物があったので 家に帰る途中にシンバのお家へちょっとお邪魔しましたぁ!

シンバに会ったらまた元気が戻ったみたいで じゃれて遊んでた〜。

でも やっぱり 家に帰ってきてご飯食べたら 即バタンキュ〜なKaiyaさんでした!

Monday, July 25, 2016

I need to get in the water even after twisting the ankle

We've been having unbelievably nice weather!!!

Hot and sunny!
By the way, my 2 week summer break began today!

I just couldn't wait even a day until the break to go swimming.

I took Kaiya yesterday morning to the lake to swim.

My shift started in the late afternoon so I had a plenty of time, anyways,

First, I let Kaiya off the leash to run around in that small woods we usually come to.

Then I noticed that Kaiya'd been gone for long.

I whistled to see if she would come back.  But she didn't.

I decided to go around to find her.

As soon as I started to walk, I twisted my ankle somehow...

Dammit!!! I did it again!!!!

Luckily it wasn't that bad this time.

I rested for a while and I realized I could walk though I had to limp a little.

I really really really have to be extra careful for my weak right foot when I walk in the woods :(

Anyways, the lake was closer than going back home.

It's better and quicker cool it in the water at the lake.

いやぁ〜 ホント毎日ありえないくらい 暑くていい天気!!!

そうそう 今日から2週間夏休み〜!!

ってことで 昨日は仕事休み前最後の日だったけど

あまりのいい天気にいてもたってもいられなくなって 朝からKaiyaを連れて湖に泳ぎに!

ちなみに仕事は夕方からだったから 時間的には問題ナッシング!


がしかし 帰ってこない。

犬笛吹いてるのに 帰ってこない。

ってことで しょうがないから ちょっと探しに行くかって 歩き始めたら


やっちまった!!! また足首ひねった!!!


でも 今回は軽くひねっただけだから しばらく休んだら 歩けるようになった!


痛いけど帰るより 湖のが近いし 湖の水で冷やしたほうが早いな!

So I lured Kaiya who wasn't really listening to me because she was into something, to the lake

and finally we were there!!

ってことで 何かに夢中で言うことを聞かないKaiyaを誘導して やっと湖到着!!

Of course, she doesn't wanna swim with me...I swam all by myself!

もちろんKaiyaさんは一緒に泳いでくれる気配なしだから 私1人で泳ぎましたよ・・・( ̄Д ̄)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Tons of birdies at the lake Lötsjön

We had a very long walk this morning!...time wise, I guess.

Sunny and hot, Kaiya started little slow.  I was just sort of going with her pace. 

When we got home, I realized we were out for 2 hours!

I was planing to go to the gym early today but change of plan.  I went there later in the afternoon instead.

Anyways, we were at the Lake Lötsjön.  It'd been a long time since the last time we were there.

So many birdies by that lake.  Obviously she wanted to chase after them.  

I had a quite hard time stopping her :p


なんとなくゆっくりKaiyaに合わせてお散歩してたら 2時間も外にいたよ!(笑)

今日は早めにジムに行こうと思ってたけど お散歩が長引いたから午後にするかぁ〜。

ってことで 今朝の長くなってしまった散歩では 久しぶりにLötsjön(ロートホーン)湖へ。
