It's daddy and me who were really sleepy and tired today.
The reason for that is that Kaiya woke us up
very early in the morning couple of times...
Yes, we took her outside every time she whined and woke us up
because she only does it when it's urgent to do her business.
First two times daddy took her out....real thanks to daddy...
I don't even remember what time it was.
The third time was about 7 o'clock and I took her out.
I usually get up 7:45 and take her out 8:30.
So it was little earlier morning walk than usual.
Then when I was about to leave home around 9:30, she whined again.
I had to wake daddy up to take her out again because I had to go to work.
Daddy was probably more tired than I was, I guess... :(
I was planning to go to gym and all that after work
but nah...I took a long nap with Kaiya instead. :p
明け方に2、3回起こされた〜(´Д` )
何時か覚えてないけど 最初の2回はダディが連れて行ってくれたぁ
ダディ ありがちょん!
んでもって ちょうど家を出ようとしてた9時30分頃にまた
私は仕事行かなきゃいけないから ダディごめんちゃい って起こして
予定変更! Kaiyaと一緒に長いお昼寝してしまったぁ〜!( ´ ▽ ` )
Well, no pictures during the morning walk today.
I was too sleepy and wasn't fully awake when I took her out this morning.
I didn't take any photos at all :(
Enjoy the photos of Queen Kaiya who occupies the bed today :p
どうやら 完全に起きてなかったらしく
ってことで ベッドを占領するクイーンKaiyaをお楽しみあれ(⌒-⌒; )
She let me take a nap right next to her after this :) この後この横でマミーも昼寝させていただきましたぁ〜 |
あー! クイーンもつらい仕事だ Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteどこがだぁ〜!!?? Kaiya〜!!
Deleteばぁやの目を気にして 散歩に行かなければならないのだ Kaiya~!!
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