Yesterday daddy took Kaiya out in the morning
and I took her in the afternoon.
It's usually vice versa.
Well, I was done with work for the day so we took a 2-hour long walk!
Such a good exercise for Kaiya,
She slept so much and she didn't even wanna go for the last walk at night :p
I might be good at getting Kaiya tired and make her sleep well
but apparently I was in the dream world, too, before I knew it while I was typing for the blog. lol
昨日はいつもと逆で 朝の散歩をダディーと
マミーは仕事終わってたから ゆっくり2時間くらいの散歩したさぁ〜!
いい運動したから 夜の散歩を行きたくないってぐずるくらい
よく寝てたKaiyaさん( ̄+ー ̄)
She loves getting up this kinda place. こういうところ登るの好きです(笑) |
Found something on the other side? 何か反対義姉に見つけた模様 |
She sniffs intensively because she knows this is where we usually see rabbits. この辺はよくウサギが出るとこって知ってるから 匂い嗅ぎまくり! |
Look a horse! あっ お馬さん! |
"This time mommy asked me to jump up here! " :p ここはマミーに言われて登ってみました(笑) |
Beautiful sunset 夕日が綺麗だったぁ〜 |
She can't resist to walk on the ice. But this time the ice was too thin on the edge and it broke. Her paws got wet :p やっぱり氷の上に登りたがり だけど端の方は氷が薄くて パキッ! 足が水につかっちゃったね(^^;) |
Dig dig dig♪ んでもって ホリホリ♪ |
The sun went down and it's getting cold. Let's go home quick! 日が沈んで 太陽隠れちゃったから 寒くなってきたぁ〜 早く帰ろぉ!! |
ReplyDeleteあら 来年のも作ってくれるの? サンキュー!
Deleteおっ帆船か?! かっくい~
ReplyDeleteおっし こっちも胸を張って どうだ Kaiya~!!
Kaiyaのがかっこいいのだ!うへへへ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ