Friday, January 22, 2016

No play No fun

When we were at the dog park in the neighborhood,

this Irish setter boy named James who we'd never seen before came in.

He's such a beautiful, friendly and cuddly boy.

He wanted me to pet him all the time that he came up to me every couple minutes :)

Kaiya, on the other hand, was being little coward seeing a guy who's bigger than her.

She was barking at first...which she usually does when she meets bigger dogs.

A little while later, she got used to him and stopped barking.

But James seemed to like people more than other dogs.

Even though Kaiya was poking him to get him play with her, he didn't respond.

He just tried to get me pet him or rubbed himself on the

For sure, Kaiya wasn't having fun.

She was too bored that she started to observe outside of the dog park :p

Well, I hope we can see some of your friends who can play with you tomorrow! :)

今朝は 初めて会う子が近所のドッグランで遊んでいたら入ってきた



Kaiyaは 自分より大きい子なので 最初はちょいビクビクで

吠えたりしてたけど いつものように時間が経ったら 慣れていつもの調子に

だけど いくらちょっかい出しても遊んでくれないジェームズ

他のワンちゃんと遊ぶより 人とスキンシップとることと


Kaiyaはあまりにもつまんなくて ドッグランの外の様子を見たりしてたwww



  1. 「人なつこくておもしろい犬だ」人間...「遊ばないつまらん犬だ」Kaiya~!!
