Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve / 大晦日 Dec.31

It's new year's eve already!!

Time went unbelievably fast!

The highlight of the year was Mato joying the family :)))

Kaiya, daddy, and of course I are very happy and enjoying the life with Mato!

Today is the only day you can see fireworks in Sweden....I think.

Simba's family is here at our place to have dinner together and watch count down and fireworks!

Kaiya is afraid of the fireworks every year.  She probably gonna get afraid this year again...

I think Mato will be okey.  He probably won't care about it.

Well, I will report tomorrow what happens tonight ;)

Anyways, big thanks for everyone who gives his or her time to take a look at our photo blog ;)))

Happy New Year!!!

大晦日〜。ちなみにスウェーデン語で大晦日は Nyårsafton(ニューオーシュアフトン) って言います。





スウェーデンで年に一度の花火の日 大晦日。

今日はシンバの家族がうちに来て みんなでご飯食べて 花火を見ながらカウントダウンです!

デザートは私の係になったので さっきサフランケーキ焼いたけど初めて作ったから お味はどうかなぁ・・・(^^;;




ブログを覗いてくれているみなさん ありがとうございます。


It was too dark to take photos this morning.  These photos are from yesterday's morning walk!

今朝は暗くて写真撮れなかった 昨日の朝の散歩の写真でーす!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Drottningholm hundön / ドロットニングホルム Dec.28

We went to that dog park island in Drottningholm!

First taking a bus to get there!  Both of them behaved very well!



This was the first time for Mato to come to this place.

It was in the morning on a weekday.  I thought there could be nobody but we met few dogs and Kaiya and Mato had so much fun running with others :)

Mato was doing very good socializing with others.

I'm gonna continue coming here more often so that he can be like this even when he becomes an adult.


平日だし誰もないかもしれないとは思ったけど 3匹くらい他のワンちゃんたちがいて KaiyaもMatoもいっぱい走って楽しく遊んでた〜!


これからもっとここに連れて来て 大人になる前にたくさんのワンちゃんたちと触れ合わせて もっと社会化勉強させないと(╹◡╹)

Kaiya is my speedy!  Sooooo fast!

I just love watching this cool beauty running wild!!


走ってるKaiyaは すんごくワイルドでめっちゃカッコいい!!

Compare to Kaiya, Mato is not much of runner as Kaiya, he hops and runs ;p


Wonder what he was looking at...


It was Kaiya on ice.


Then Mato joined her.

Well, there was ice all over the water in the moat that's surrounding the island.

I took my eyes off of them for a second and Mato was already on the other side crossing over the ice.  lol

そして Matoも。

ドッグランを島にしている堀の水がこうやって凍ってるから 反対岸に渡れてちゃうんだよねぇ〜。


She runs like she's teasing others ;p

鬼さんこちら〜!! って余裕だな Kaiya!

Someone came in!

The brown dog who's looking towards the camera is a Pharaoh hound.  She really looked like one of those dog images on the wall in the ancient Egyptian tombs.  I really thought she was very handsome dog!!


こっち見てる茶色いワンちゃん ファラオ・ハウンドなんだけど 本当にエジプトの壁画とかに描かれてる犬の姿にそっくり!かっこよかったぁ〜!

Mato's really a good boy.  When I call him, he comes back right away without getting caught by distractions.


遊びとかに夢中にならないで 呼んだらすぐ私のとこに来るいい子ちゃん!

Kaiya sometimes got into something else and doesn't come back right away, but still she's my sweetest girl :)))

Kaiyaは夢中になっちゃうけど いい子ちゃ〜ん( ´▽`)

Now the wrestling begins!


And again, Kaiya is on hunting mode.

Good luck, Mato.



It was very fun morning walk!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

We are back in Stockholm / ストックホルムに戻って来た Dec. 27

Yesterday we took off around 11 a.m. from Rättvik.  

Surprisingly there was no traffic at all despite the fact that it was the last day of the Christmas holidays.

It only took little over 3 hours.

Kaiya who's not used to riding a car was shaking all the time being nervous and all.

...while Mato who's very used to riding a car slept on daddy's lap like nothing ;)

We returned our car on time.  We were all tired and spent the rest of the day being couch potatoes.


クリスマスホリデーの最終日だったから混むかと思ったけど 全然だった!

Kaiyaさんは車に乗るのが得意ではないので やっぱりずーっとガクブル。


レンタカーも返しに行って お家に帰って来て みんなお疲れで グデーって過ごしましたぁ〜!(笑)

At the pee stop.

These are from this morning.

It was raining a little and also a tiny bit of snow was blending.

Mato, who still eats lots of stuff from the ground, had a bad tummy but minor.  That's why he was eating grass whole the time.



拾い食いがなかなか止まらないMato君はお腹の調子が少し悪いのか 今日は草ばっかり食べてなぁ。