We took a nap together today. Hmmm, I loooove taking a nap....and so does Kaiya:)
During the evening walk, she picked up some toys. When I turned around, she was carrying a huge stick and walking like it was nothing. She is becoming a strong girl and I am proud of her! She picked up some pinecones and played with them, too. She is just adorable!!!!
今日はKaiyaと一緒に昼寝したぁ! 昼寝最高! Kaiyaも昼寝大好き(^^)
夕方のお散歩中, いっぱいおもちゃを拾ってきたKaiya。気づいたら, すっごいでっかい棒きれを咥えてシャキシャキ歩いてくるKaiya... うん, 強い子に育ってる!松ぼっくりも拾ってきて転がしたり噛んだりして遊んでた! とにかく, かわいい!!!(≧∇≦)
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