Yes, we spent our Christmas in Rättvik with Simba's family as we always do every year.
And there was snow!!!! Stockholm's been too warm to have snow, but in Rättvik, it even snowed the second and the third day.
Kaiya and Mato had so much fun!
毎年恒例 クリスマスの休みはダーラナ地方のレットヴィークでシンバの家族と過ごしたよ〜!
全然雪のなかったストックホルムとは違って 雪があった〜!
2日目にはもっと雪が降って KaiyaとMatoには最高の休暇になったよ(*´∇`*)
They ran and played a lot in the yard.
We took a long walk every morning with Simba.
Then played a lot in the yard again.
One time, I realized Mato wasn't around when we were in the yard.
Kaiya and Simba were looking towards the woods out of the our property.
I guessed that he went that way, so I went bit closed to the woods while I whistled the dog whistle.
Waited like 10 to 15 minutes and suddenly, the boy came back with a big smile on his face.
I bet he had so much fun while mommy was worrying about him.
Tell you the truth, I was worried for sure, but not that much, cuz I was for sure that he would come back to his mommy ;)
庭で遊んでたはずなのに ふとが気づくとMatoがいない!
Kaiyaとシンバがお庭の向こうの森の方に進んで見てたから きっとそっちに行ってしまったんだなぁと思い とりあえず犬笛を吹いて暫く待ってたよ。
したら鹿の家族みたいなのが少し離れたとこにいて これはまずいなとも思ったけど15分くらいしたら 鹿とは反対側から 満面の笑みで帰ってきたMato。
でも絶対帰ってくると思ってたから ぶっちゃけそこまで心配してなかったけど(笑)
Someone is not that happy about being on the sled.
Snow on the nose :)))
お鼻に雪つけてみたり。Saw many horses.
Shaking off the snow.
All ran wild in the plain field without the leash!
広いところで 全員ノーリードでお散歩したり〜。

My son is too cute :p
My stubborn girl is too cute, of course!
This grey house is Simba's grandma's house where we usually stay :)