Monday, April 30, 2018

Rain or shine / 雨が降れども Apr. 29

Ever since I came back from Japan, it rains every day, not for whole day long but for a short period within a day.

Well, today it was already raining when I got up...didn't stop raining when we took a walk.

It doesn't matter if it rains or not, we take a walk anyways....though I was thinking to take a short walk instead.

Despite my plan, my kids didn't wanna come home quick.  My plan, the short walk, became just a regular long walk.

Moreover, it started to rain for real when we were out.  We got soakin' wet.... :((

日本から帰ってきてから 毎日必ず 1回は雨が降る毎日。


でも負けないよ。雨でも散歩。でも短い散歩にしよ〜って思ってたマミーの思惑も虚しく うちの子たちは全然帰りたがなくて 結局いつもの長さの散歩・・・😵

パラパラだったのに 途中からしっかり振ってくれて びっしょびっしょになったよ(笑)


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mommy's got jet lag / 時差ポケマミー Apr. 28

I've got bad jet lag...

I fell asleep early in the evening and woke up around 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to sleep.

Sorry or not sorry for Kaiya and Mato, they got to go for a morning walk real early.

We took off a tad before six and took the bus and the train to get to the dog park where we'd been to long time ago.


めっちゃ早い時間に寝落ちして 夜中の2時くらいに起きてしまった・・・。

それから眠れず KaiyaとMatoはその道ずれで  いつもより早い6時前にあさんぽに出発。

ふと思いついて 前に行った事ある ちょいと広めのドッグランへ バスと電車に乗って行ってきたよぉ〜。

It's early Saturday one's out :)))

週末の早い時間だから 全然人がいな〜い!

Got off at Åkeshov.


Walked along the rail track and there it is.

Since there's no snow any longer, Kaiya doesn't get excited and run like crazy at the dog park like she used to do.

Because this one is larger and not the one we usually go to, she got excited!  My plan worked ;))


雪がないから なかなかドッグランで走らないKaiyaさんだけど いつもの場所じゃないし広いから 今日はノリノリ😆

I'm not 100% sure because I wasn't fully paying attention to the guy by the fence there.

But I think he rammed into the  and this photo is the proof...sort of.

Watch out Mato, you can't go through the fence, you know ;p

多分 あの先にいるヒト(Mato) あのフェンスに突込んだと思うんだよね。




The weather was perfect.  We walked home.

I thought it was longer but it was only 6 km.

天気もいいし 帰りは歩いて帰ったよ〜。

結構あると思ったら 6kmくらいでしたw

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Heat / ヒート Apr. 27

I planed my trip to Japan including Kaiya's heat.

Her heat came yesterday, the day after I came back from Japan!

That explains why Chili was chasing after Kaiya yesterday.

I thought it would come soon or later but didn't expect this quick ;p

Kaiyaのヒートに合わせて日本に行ってたんだけど ドンピシャ。


昨日シリィがすごいKaiyaのあとを追い回してたから そろそろとは思ってたけど まさかこんなすぐにくるとは(笑)

I'm not sure if Kaiya's horny or just grooming but I caught them like this. LOL

Just by the look on Mato's face, I guess it feels good, right? ;p

なんか一緒に静かだと思ったら Kaiyaさんが毛づくろいなんだか なんだかをしてるのを発見😂


Ooops, you got me.


Extra photo because Mato looks too adorable.

ちょっとMatoの顔が可愛かったから おまけ写真。

Friday, April 27, 2018

Back in Sweden / ただいま! Apr. 26

I came back home yesterday after a long long day.

It actually took little more than 24 hours door to door since there were delays for both the flights that I took...

Kaiya, Mato, and Daddy came to the bus stop to welcome me.

I got tons of kisses from them ;)))

昨日 日本から戻ったよ〜!

長かった・・・飛行機遅れたりしたから 多分山梨の家を出てから24時間以上かかった気がする・・・。

KaiyaとMatoとダディが最寄りのバス停まで迎えに来てくれて めっちゃナメナメ攻撃を受けた〜。ムフ😍

I'm not sure if I have jet lag because I woke up around the usual time and we took the morning walk at the same time as usual.

時差ボケあるのか ないのか わからないけど 今朝はいつもと同じ時間に起きて 同じ時間にあさんぽ🐾

Kaiya (left)                         Mato (right)

We met Chili but he was with daddy not Carina this morning because she's on a trip.

Chili was sniffing too much on Kaiya's butt and of course she was getting annoyed...

シリィに会ったけど 今日はカリーナじゃなくて パパと散歩してた。


シリィにお尻をしつこくクンクンされて Kaiyaさんイライラ気味😓

We came to the woods to fulfill Kaiya's request ;)

Kaiya (left)             Mato (right)

Unfortunately, they didn't have free running time int he woods because there were many people taking a walk with dogs around this area.

犬と散歩してる人たちが結構この辺にいたから 残念ながら今日は自由時間なしでした〜。



Flowers!  Spring has come to Sweden ;)




Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rolling girl / ゴロゴロガール Apr. 02


We all took a walk together in the afternoon.

Kaiya looks little mess...




because she's been rolling on the grass.


Mato was being bored waiting for Kaiya and started to chew on a twig.


Kaiya's still rolling.


She took the twig from Mato and continued rolling.

Alright girl, let's go already :((

Matoがガリガリしてた棒を奪って まだゴロゴロKaiya。


The lake is still covered with ice but I think it's melting pretty fast since it was warm today :)

湖の水はまだ凍ってるけど 今日は暖かいから 結構溶けて来たんじゃないかな。


Let's go home now!

ささ 帰りますよぉ〜。


Mommy's flying to Japan tomorrow.

I don't think I'm gonna post new entries regularly or might not post at all while I'm in Japan... ;p

Anyways, I will enjoy the trip and will report it when I got a chance!


ブログアップできるかわかんないけど 日本を満喫してくるざんす( ´∀`)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

20 years of friendship / 20年来の友人 Apr. 01

I hadn't been able to post new entires but now I'm back!

The reason is that my friend Isabelle and her hubby Pierrick visited us and and stayed with us for 5 days :))))

But they left yesterday :(((

Isabelle and I are friends for almost 20 years now.

A girl from Belgium and a girl from Japan met in California when we were teenagers.

Now she lives in France and I live in Sweden.

Time flies but the ties were strong.

Last time when we saw each other was when I visited her in France about 4 years ago.

Except when we lived in California, we've only met 4-5 times including this time.

That's why this was an extreme treat for me!

I was super happy to see them and had such a wonderful time!!!

I guess the next time would be my turn to visit them ;)





彼女はベルギー人 私は日本人 出会ったのはカリフォルニア。

今は彼女はフランスに 私はスウェーデンに在住。

時が経つのは早いけど 絆は強し。


これまでカリフォルニアに住んでた時以外は 片手で数えられるくらいしか会うことはなかったけど こうやって訪ねて来てくれるのはマジ嬉しい〜!



Well, as for Kaiya and Mato, they were very curious about my friends but Mato was being Mato, very friendly to everyone.  Kaiya, who is very cautious and takes time to get used to new people, was being little difficult.

But taking morning walks together,

そんなこんなで 初めて会う人たちがうちにお泊まりで Kaiyaさんはちょっと警戒しまくってるけど Matoはふつーに大丈夫。


being bribed by getting some treats took the edge off and made her easier to be around them.

賄賂( オヤツ)をもらって 徐々に慣れて来たんだよぉ。

I hope they remember Isabelle and Pierrick when they come next time ;)

次に会いに来てくれるときは 覚えてるかな?

From today's morning walk!

ってなことで 今朝のお散歩写真〜!

They played as hard as usual ;))
