I hadn't been able to post new entires but now I'm back!
The reason is that my friend Isabelle and her hubby Pierrick visited us and and stayed with us for 5 days :))))
But they left yesterday :(((
Isabelle and I are friends for almost 20 years now.
A girl from Belgium and a girl from Japan met in California when we were teenagers.
Now she lives in France and I live in Sweden.
Time flies but the ties were strong.
Last time when we saw each other was when I visited her in France about 4 years ago.
Except when we lived in California, we've only met 4-5 times including this time.
That's why this was an extreme treat for me!
I was super happy to see them and had such a wonderful time!!!
I guess the next time would be my turn to visit them ;)
彼女はベルギー人 私は日本人 出会ったのはカリフォルニア。
今は彼女はフランスに 私はスウェーデンに在住。
時が経つのは早いけど 絆は強し。
これまでカリフォルニアに住んでた時以外は 片手で数えられるくらいしか会うことはなかったけど こうやって訪ねて来てくれるのはマジ嬉しい〜!
Well, as for Kaiya and Mato, they were very curious about my friends but Mato was being Mato, very friendly to everyone. Kaiya, who is very cautious and takes time to get used to new people, was being little difficult.
But taking morning walks together,
そんなこんなで 初めて会う人たちがうちにお泊まりで Kaiyaさんはちょっと警戒しまくってるけど Matoはふつーに大丈夫。
being bribed by getting some treats took the edge off and made her easier to be around them.
賄賂( オヤツ)をもらって 徐々に慣れて来たんだよぉ。
I hope they remember Isabelle and Pierrick when they come next time ;)
次に会いに来てくれるときは 覚えてるかな?
From today's morning walk!
ってなことで 今朝のお散歩写真〜!
They played as hard as usual ;))