Saturday, November 29, 2014


K1(Kanna) and K2(Kaede) came and visit us today!!!!
It had been sooooo long time we saw each other since the last time.


But Kaiya got a little overwhelmed by the kids that she tried to hide herself behind me. :p


The first Christmas tree by the apartment

They put out Christmas tree right outside the entrance to our apartment this year!


Friday, November 28, 2014

A slightly bright night

When Kaiya and I went to subway station to pick daddy up, it became really foggy.  But thanks to the fog, we had more light to walk.

Kaiyaと 一緒にダディを 駅まで迎えに行ってる時にどんどん霧がでてきた。でも, 霧のおかげでちょっと明るい夜の散歩(^^)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A family dinner

Daddy's cousin family came to have a dinner together tonight.  Of course, Simba came, too!!


Kaiya got sooooo excited and peed inside a bit...

Now Kaiya is bigger than Simba but they played a lot as usual!



Kaiya behaved super good when we were eating.  I know that she loves to eat like me, but she just lay down away from us and never begged for food even when she saw Simba doing so.  I'm sooo proud of her behaving this way when people are at the table eating.


Simba is little spoiled and getting food from his daddy :p


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The head out....

No matter how much she grows, under the bed is still her favorite place to sleep...
But it's a little bit creepy when you only sticking your head out from there, Kaiya!

どんなに大きくなってもベッドの下で寝るのが好きな, Kaiyaさん。
でも, 頭だけ出てるとちょっと怖いよ, Kaiya!(^^;)

Monday, November 24, 2014


今朝, めちゃめちゃ 風強かったぁぁぁ!!!

Sleeping beauty


Blocking the door...I can't go out the room, Kaiya!

からの, ドア ブロッキング...部屋の外でれないよぉσ(^_^;)

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Today, we did a bit different for the weekend walk.  We went to Kungsholmen which is one of the 14 islands of Stockholm.  Kung means king, and holmen means islet so that makes it Kings islet, i guess.

To walk one round of this island would be too much so we did a little less than a half round as you can see the red arrow on the map.  That's where we walked today and it took a couple of hours.

Actually my work place is very near where we walked but I never had a chance to explore this area. A lot of new discoveries and it was a very nice walk today.

今日は、Kungsholmen(クングスホルメン)へ散歩をしに。Kungsholmenは、14の島からなるストックホルムの中の一つ。kungは王、 holmenは小島、って意味だから、王の島ってことかな。



Let's go over the bridge and to Kungsholmen!


The other side of water where we can see the green is a little island Långholmen and there is a big island Södermalm back of it where you can see the buildings.


Taking a little break. :)


The  building in front is the city hall.  First time for Kaiya to come this close to it.


The other side is Norrmalm where the central stockholm is.




Kaiya was looking at ducks as usual to see if she had a chance to hunt.  Then I realized there were diffieent kind birds and they were bigger.  It seemed like geese joined the flock.  Kaiya also noticed about them and observed them more than usual.
昨日, いつものように狩りのチャンスを狙って, カモを見てたKaiya。なんかデカイのいるなぁって見てたら, どうやら雁が仲間入りしたみたい。Kaiyaもそれに気づいたらしくいつも以上に観察してた!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Loooove the pork bone!

Why are you chewing the bone half-in half-out of your little house, Kaiya? lol

Kaiyaさーん, なんで半分身体だして骨噛んでるのぉ? (笑)

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Daddy had to go some place in östermalm so we went along with him.  Östermalm is sort of a fancy area in Stockholm.  Kaiya did a good job on taking a walk in the city. 


We didn't go in but this is Saluhall, an indoor market, and they sell all kinds of stuff like cheese, fish, meat, fruit, vegies, chocolates, tea, etc.  It's a fun place just to look around and of course, you can grab something to eat there too. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Back to the bed!

Ever since Pac had taken over Kaiya's bed, she didn't really get herself on her own bed...but now she is back on it!...sort of. :p


Monday, November 17, 2014

5 months old

Time goes sooooo fast. 
She weighs 8.8kg if our scale is correct...

No matter how much she grows, she's just the cutest one!
She can make this surprised face!! :p



Sunday, November 16, 2014


Pac's mommy came back so he went home yesterday around noon.  We miss him already.
In the afternoon, all of us, Kaiya, daddy, and I, went for a long walk.  
We stopped at Bauhaus, a DIY retail store where Kaiya could come in together.  It seemed like everyone was getting ready for Christmas everywhere already.

パックのマミーが帰ってきたから, 昨日のお昼頃にパックはお家に帰っちゃった。ちょっとさみしいね。
午後は, Kaiya ダディ 私の3人でお散歩。
途中でBauhaus, ホームセンターにKaiyaも一緒に入れるから寄ってみた。

The 2nd day with Pac

Although Pac sleeps on Kaiya's bed, they are getting along...I think.


He loves tennis balls.  He broke two of them already...:p


He loves bones, too!


Kaiya lost the interest in these bones lately but she wants what Pac has.  She stole the one Pac was chewing on and she started to chew herself.


Pac is sometimes more baby than Kaiya and sometimes a big brother.
He cries and whines a lot but he is such a calm guy that he doesn't even get angry at Kaiya when she steels his bone.

BTW, Pac snores a lot like Daddy!!! LOL

