Monday, February 29, 2016

How Kaiya spends a sunday

Morning walk!


まず 朝の散歩 〜!

Too bright...

Found a dog walking on the other side of the river.  Sits and stares until that dog's gone.
反対岸に犬発見・・・通り過ぎるまで 座ってジーッ・・・

Can't resist rubbing on the ice :)

Led mommy to this place to have an off-the-leash time!

Got food after the walk.

And it's time to go back to sleep!


お腹いっぱいになったら 昼寝〜

Daddy and mommy had to work today.  She had to be alone at home again in the evening.

I came home as soon as possible and she got her dinner right a way.

And she goes back to sleep after eating.  lol

ダディとマミーは今日も夕方から仕事で お留守番だったKaiya

急いで仕事から帰って すぐにKaiyaのご飯を用意

ご飯をたらふく食べた後は そっこでベッドに寝に戻るKaiyaさん(笑)

We took the subway to pick up daddy from work again during the night walk!

夜の散歩がてら またまた 電車に乗ってダディーを迎えに〜!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


In order to jog with Kaiya, I bought a harness for her.

She often stops suddenly to sniff something.

When she does that while jogging, it's little dangerous for Kaiya to wear a collar.

She could be pulled hard.

Anyways, so far she seems not liking it :p

Somehow it came out during the night walk tonight.

Once it happened, she knew how to get it off.

It actually came off a couple of times... :(

Smart ass... :p

一緒にランニングするために 最近ハーネスを買ってみた




ちょっと慣らすために 普段の散歩もこれで


今日の夜の散歩の時は スルリと抜けて取れちゃった(^^;)

1回抜けたら 覚えたらしく 何度か抜けたwww



Took the subway to see daddy at his work!  Then we all
took the night walk together!
夜は 散歩がてら 電車に乗って
ダディを仕事場まで 迎えに行ったよぉ〜

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mommy cooks for Kaiya!

Ever since Kaiya got her heat, she's been little off...

She's been having the runs and she even had no apptite...

I decided to cook her something instead of giving her the regular dry food.

Last night I cooked rice soup sort with salmon,  an egg, and chicken lever.

And she ate it!!!

Although I had to feed her with my hand...

She almost only ate the food from my hand.

Sometimes she becomes a spoiled kid. :p

やっぱり ヒートが来てから 調子がおかしいKaiyaさん

お腹がゆるかったり 食欲がなかったりだったから

昨日の夜から レバー、サーモン、玉子、ごはんを煮て

おじや的なものを作ってあげたら 食べた

しかも 甘えん坊にもなってて

昨日の夜は ほとんど私の手からしかごはん食べなかった(^^;)


The last few days I've been working long hours

and Kaiya had to be home alone a lot...

 We've been having an hour power walk at night after I get home from walk

so we get enough exercises :)

ここ数日 私の仕事の時間が長かったから お留守番が多かったKaiyaさん

夜帰って来てから 1時間一緒にパワーウォークで


This one is from this morning

She just can't resist walking on the ice :)

She goes right into her crib to crash after the night power walk! :p
夜のパワーウォーク終わって 自分の寝床でもうオヤミミ〜!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Longing for the spring!

Such a refreshing morning it was!!!

The air was bit chilly but the sun was all out and it felt soooo good in the sunlight!

I hope the spring arrives soon!!

今朝は空気は冷たかったけど 太陽が出てて気持ちいい朝だった〜!


Hmm?  Hunting mode? Targeting something?
あっ なんか狙ってる・・・

Ahahaha!!! That!!! Just rolling on the ground! LOL
と思ったら ゴロンだった(笑)

Kaiya's on heat.  It started a couple of days ago.

That's why she is not really herself right now.

She's distracted and doesn't listen to me a lot of times,

not really energetic,

hypersensitive to many things,

and her poo is softer than usual.

When I came home from work today,  she was happy to see me

but she didn't lick my face like she usually did whenever I got home.

Instead, she went back to her crate right away... :((

I hope it'll be over soon and you'll be able to play with lots of friends again!

Kaiyaさんは 一昨日辺りからヒートが始まり ちょっといつもと違う感じ

そわそわしてるというか 元気がないというか

いろんなことに敏感になってたり 言うこと聞かなかったり


今日は私が仕事から帰ってきたら 喜んではいるけど

いつもの顔ナメナメ攻撃がなくて すぐに自分のハウスに戻ってしまった(^^;)

早く終わって 友達といっぱい遊べるようになるといいねぇ〜