Morning walk!
まず 朝の散歩 〜!
Too bright... まぶしぃ・・・ |
Found a dog walking on the other side of the river. Sits and stares until that dog's gone. 反対岸に犬発見・・・通り過ぎるまで 座ってジーッ・・・ |
Can't resist rubbing on the ice :) 氷の上のゴロンは欠かせませ〜ん! |
Led mommy to this place to have an off-the-leash time! マミーをこの場所にうまく誘導して ノーリードタイム! |
Got food after the walk.
And it's time to go back to sleep!
お腹いっぱいになったら 昼寝〜
Daddy and mommy had to work today. She had to be alone at home again in the evening.
I came home as soon as possible and she got her dinner right a way.
And she goes back to sleep after eating. lol
ダディとマミーは今日も夕方から仕事で お留守番だったKaiya
急いで仕事から帰って すぐにKaiyaのご飯を用意
ご飯をたらふく食べた後は そっこでベッドに寝に戻るKaiyaさん(笑)
We took the subway to pick up daddy from work again during the night walk!
夜の散歩がてら またまた 電車に乗ってダディーを迎えに〜!