Red, a maltese and one of my family dogs in Japan, passed away peacefully at home today.
My mom and uncle Kishin were with him.
Red is Kiki's big brother...(Kiki is my grandma's dog who also passed away recently)
When I was in Japan last summer, he was very fine eating a lot and all even though he had trouble seeing and hearing.
I'm planing to go to Japan again in October this year and I was naturally hoping that I would see him like I did last summer.
This news gave me lots of tears...
But you know what.
I did have fun with him when I was there in August.
I took him out to walk along with other doggies and I carried him with a baby sling so I could be with him all the time.
I did spend a lot time as much as I could.
Thank god I had those chances before he was gone.
A couple months ago, my brother Tatsuya who lives in NY went back to Japan for about a month, too.
I'm glad that Red could meet all the family members.
Rest in peace, Red!
実家にいるマルチーズのレッドが 家にいたママとおじさんに見守られて 今日亡くなりました
12月に亡くなった私のおばあちゃんの犬 キキのお兄ちゃんのレッド
去年の8月に日本に帰国したときは 目と耳が不自由でしたが 食欲もあり元気でした
今年は10月に日本に帰国予定なので またそのとき会えると信じていたので とても悲しいなぁ
それでも 夏にお散歩したり 抱っこ紐で抱っこしてなるべく一緒にいたりして たくさん一緒の時間をすごせたからよかった
先々月の12月には 私の弟・タツヤもニューヨークから数年ぶりに一時帰国して実家にいたので タツヤにも会えてよかったね レッド!
Rest in peace!
Today's Kaiya.
Digging again!!!
I don't know if it's because the snow melted away and you see all the ground
or because of her heat
but she digs a LOT!
One of my co-workers who has a female dog said that
when her dog was on heat, she tried to dig on the bed that she ruined some sheets.
I wonder if digging is something to do with her heat...
なんだろ 雪が溶けて地面がでてきたからか
ヒートになったからか ほんと最近穴掘りばっかりする