Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Blue Toy Shovel

She found something.


Huh, it didn't get her interested too much.

あ〜 あんまり興味をそそらなかったのね

Oh, she went back.

It did get her attention.


やっぱり 興味あったのか・・・

On alart.




Thursday, February 26, 2015

Burining car

Just came home from the night walk.

Guess what we saw outside tonight.

A burning car!!!

We were on the way home planing to go through the park to come home.

All the sudden, a speedy fire engine passed by and I was little annoyed by the could of dust it made.

There are parking spaces along outside the park.

We walked up there to the closest entrance to the park 

and saw some people standing and watching something.

There we saw a big fire and firemen trying to put it out.

Kaiya got sooooo scared of the fire... I guess.

She pulled me to the other direction so hard.

I tried to calm her down but not working....she just wanted to get as far away as possible.

Eventually, I had to carry her....not all the way home but pretty long way.

Now we know that she gets terrified by fireworks and fire...something that's with fire.

Now she is in her little house and trying to sleep in between her pillow and toys:)





突然 スピードを出した消防車がビューンって横切って行った




そこはちょうど公園の脇の駐車スペースで もう少しで公園の入り口だったんだけど


家とは反対方向へ 引っ張る引っ張る

落ち着かせようとがんばったけど Kaiyaさんちょー心臓バクバクだし

なかなか落ち着いてくれないから 抱っこして歩いてみた

けっこう歩いて家の近くまできてからおろしてみたら やっと落ち着いたみたい

いやー 重かったぁ(笑)

Kaiyaが怖いもの ①花火 ②火


只今 Kaiyaの小さいお家で


Spot Stealer

She loves to chill out on my side of the bed lately...

Somehow she manages to lie down there without me noticing.

Yep, she was there today, too when I came back to bedroom.

Eventually she moves out my spot when I come to the bed,

but you know,  you can always take daddy's side too, Kaiya!

最近 私の定位置をいつも取られる・・・


今日も ベッドルームに戻ってみると

はい Kaiyaさん くつろいでるぅ〜(^^)


ダディ側を占領しちゃったらいいじゃん Kaiya!!!(笑)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Red, a maltese and one of my family dogs in Japan, passed away peacefully at home today.

My mom and uncle Kishin were with him.

Red is Kiki's big brother...(Kiki is my grandma's dog who also passed away recently)

When I was in Japan last summer, he was very fine eating a lot and all even though he had trouble seeing and hearing.

I'm planing to go to Japan again in October this year and I was naturally hoping that I would see him like I did last summer.

This news gave me lots of tears...

But you know what.
I did have fun with him when I was there in August.
I took him out to walk along with other doggies and I carried him with a baby sling so I could be with him all the time.
I did spend a lot time as much as I could.
Thank god I had those chances before he was gone.

A couple months ago, my brother Tatsuya who lives in NY went back to Japan for about a month, too.

I'm glad that Red could meet all the family members.

Rest in peace, Red!

実家にいるマルチーズのレッドが 家にいたママとおじさんに見守られて 今日亡くなりました

12月に亡くなった私のおばあちゃんの犬 キキのお兄ちゃんのレッド

去年の8月に日本に帰国したときは 目と耳が不自由でしたが 食欲もあり元気でした

今年は10月に日本に帰国予定なので またそのとき会えると信じていたので とても悲しいなぁ

それでも 夏にお散歩したり 抱っこ紐で抱っこしてなるべく一緒にいたりして たくさん一緒の時間をすごせたからよかった

先々月の12月には 私の弟・タツヤもニューヨークから数年ぶりに一時帰国して実家にいたので タツヤにも会えてよかったね レッド!

Rest in peace!

Today's Kaiya.

Digging again!!!

I don't know if it's because the snow melted away and you see all the ground 

or because of her heat

but she digs a LOT!

One of my co-workers who has a female dog said that 

when her dog was on heat, she tried to dig on the bed that she ruined some sheets.

I wonder if digging is something to do with her heat...



なんだろ 雪が溶けて地面がでてきたからか

ヒートになったからか ほんと最近穴掘りばっかりする



Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Where is Kaiya?

She usually stays where we are at home but I didn't see her when we were in the living room.

I went look for her and there she was

chilling out on the bean bag in the bedroom all alone. lol

Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. :p

ふと Kaiyaどこに行ったんだろぉ って思い 探してみたら

ベッドルームにあるビーンバッグの上で 1人でくつろいでた(笑)


Sunday, February 22, 2015

White again!

Obviously it snowed last night.

Everything was covered in white this morning.

easy to see Kaiya again! :p





Eating snow intensely :o

雪をバクバク食べる Kaiya(^^;)


She really really really loooooove snow!


ホント雪大好き Kaiya

Rolling on snow


mmm? What's up??


Rolling and rolling, again and again


She seems little different since she got on heat.

It's probably the same as ours that she might be having cramps and feeling tired.

She slept a lot today.

Plus, she slept in her little house she never goes in :)

ヒート来て なんだか様子が少し違う感じ



しかも いつも入らないKaiyaの家の中で(^^;)

On Heat

Took a train to take a long walk again!


Mommy needed a morning coffee!


Nice weather but little chilly today.

天気はいいけど ちょっと今日は寒いね

This place on Södermalm island has the amazing view!

The other side is Kungsholmen island.

Södermalm島にある 高台の景色の綺麗なスポットに行ってきましたぁ!

反対岸に見えるのは Kungsholmen 島

Btw  Kaiya is on heat now!!

That's why she is wearing a panty!

Well, she doesn't really like wearing it...sorry Kaiya, it'll be over soon.

ふと気がついたら Kaiyaさんヒートきました!!

ので パンツはいてます

脱ぎたいみたいだけど 少しの間我慢してな!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Not quite yet...

Kaiya this morning

standing on the icy lake, watching probably flying birds, having something in her mouth :)

The ice is still thick enough that she could stand on it.

I want the spring to come already!!!!

It's getting warmer and people are changing their heavy winter jackets but still cold for me...


凍ってる湖の上に立って なんかを口に咥えながら 多分飛んでる鳥でも見てる

大分厚く凍ったんだろうね まだまだ湖の氷は溶けないな・・・



みんな着てるジャケットが若干軽くなってる感じだけどるけど まだ寒いよぉ〜

Friday, February 20, 2015


I don't know what's up with her but she was into digging today.

She took a couple of steps and dug, couple steps and dug, over and over.


ちょっと歩いては穴掘って またちょっと行って穴掘っての繰り返し

It was all muddy everywhere because of the melted snow...

Look how dirty her nose is !!(^^;)

雪はほとんどなくなって 地面はジメジメ

鼻の頭がすごいことになってるよ Kaiyaさん!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

8 months old!!!

Yesterday she became exactly 8 months old!!

46cm in hight and she weighs 12.5kg now!

Still growing and never been on heat.

She's 1cm taller than last month and 1.5kg heavier.

Maybe she needs to be on a diet...

昨日 ちょうど満8ヶ月になったKaiya!

体高46cmで 体重を測ってみたら 12.5kgありました!



先月の体高より1cm高くなって 体重は1.5kg増し

・・・もうちょっと食事を調整して ダイエットしたほうがいいかなぁ

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Killer wind


It was blowing a lot and the wind was killing me this morning.

The sun was out but it's just that this cold wind was making me shivering 
and my face was in pain!!!

It's still icy in the dog park so I couldn't run and play with Kaiya.

Kaiya, on the other hand, looked like having fun by herself 
chewing sticks and playing with them.

I wanna have fun too...but Mommy is freezing :(




Kaiyaは1人で棒をカジカジしたり 木の枝でじゃれてみたり


マミーはすんっっっごく 寒いぜぃ!!!!