Friday, July 18, 2014


Got permit for Kaiya!!!!
I had been soooooo worried about it for those 15 days...well, the permit was actually sent to the other address 2 weeks ago.  I didn't know that because I can only get hold of mail that goes to that place every 2 weeks or so.  I was too worried that I called them today what was happening to it....they just said, "It has been sent to you 2 weeks ago."  Surprisingly, they did it very fast for a Swedish authority.  Well, I checked and for sure, I got that mail.  My worries were for nothing...thank god...anyways, at last Kaiya is coming here for real!!!!!



Mommy is coming soon, Kaiya!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

a real puppy

Just got new photos of Kaiya from Mr. Arisumi.
She is walking! She started to eat food now.

I remember when my dad first saw 5 day old Kaiya's photo, he said she looked like either a gorilla or a now how does she look, daddy!!!??? A real puppy, doesn't she!?




Wednesday, July 9, 2014


This good looking guy is Kaiya's daddy, Kai!!!

ハンサムなKaiyaパパ, カイ!!!


Kaiya's mommy, Ai.  Beautiful tora color.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

3 weeks...

Mr. Arisumi, the breeder, is such a NICE guy.  Not only he helped me a lot in order to apply Kaiya's permit to come to Sweden but also he sends me these photos of Kaiya time to time to let me know how she is doing!!! I soooo thank him for that.  I've already sent the application so I just have to wait until the permit is granted and gets here in the post.
Kaiyaのビザ申請の為に色々とお世話になっているブリーダーの有墨さんに感謝! いつもKaiyaの写真ありがとぉございまぁす!!!!


Baby Kaiya was born!!

Kaiya....born on June 17th 2014 in Yamanashi, Japan.